Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Here are some of friends and relatives who took time out and visit Mom...Thanks a lot for sparing the time to be with us at this time when we really need your company and assurance that we are not alone at this low point of our lives - Jeffrey and his soon to be wife Christina who inspite of being busy organizing their wedding next week found time to drop by cheer Mom up. It's been a long ( or should I say 'loooong') time since I've seen Jeff and I'm glad to know that he's doing well working in Dubai with Cristina.... Atching Tetey and Jofer and his partner who took time out to visit us though it was late at night - it was just pure pleasure catching up with you guys and I really enjoyed our conversation- ang saya saya. ( To borrow the Mastercard ad---"PRICELESS!")

..To the Galang Family who travelled a long.... errrr...make that 'looooooooooong' (three hours travel time long) way from Pampanga to visit--kakatouch talaga. To Kong Amor and Aching Eileen who organized the trip ( I know you guys are busy too...thank you talaga ), to Dang Maring - kanyaman na nitang sale manuk a niluto mo!!!!! To Kong Boyti, Kong Orling, Dang Ancia - salamat a dakal a dakal---super niaman la rin pala detang tamalis ....
... Atchi Noy who took a day from her busy schedule and commitments (joke lang) and the Manalac clan - Atching Dinia, Kong Manolo, Brother Joey (kasi pamunuan naka 'tol kaya atin nang pag-galang potang i- address

to Mariett and family- kang atchi Letty ampo i Kong Abring who unfortunately are not in the photos....

...Kekayungan -- dacal a dacal a salamat!

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