Friday, July 13, 2007

In the end I did manage to get a flight the following morning through the help of a colleuge's friend who works in a travel agency...

I finished what I had to do at work and gave a briefing of the floor plans and handover instructions to whoever is doing my job and wishing ' goodluck' as well...

I said goodbye to people I work with and I was surprised with their generosity in consoling me at this time- some even went out of their way of giving mom presents...thank you very much! I won't mention names but you guys know who you are and your good deeds are much appreciated...

I was just thinking ... for somebody like me - who , on a daily basis, tells you guys what to do, when you go on your breaks, pushes you to work hard...then harder...(lol) you still regard me in high respect....thank you guys very much, I am humbled by the goodness in your hearts.

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