Tuesday, June 5, 2007

an early winter morning walk

It's Monday again...this Monday is worse than the other Mondays because it happens to be a Monday after three consecutive days off. I look outside my frosted window and realize that winter has settled in. Ahhh.... a long sigh...another day, another dollar...

It takes about twenty minutes for me to get to work- on foot. The alternative is a three minute train ride plus eight minutes walking time to and from the station. I always walk except at times when I finish very late at night or the occassional rainy day...

This is a visual feast of photos I took last Monday as I walk to work in a winter morning.

The early morning fog is starting to clear when I started my journey, what followed is a kalaedoscope of scenes that lifts my spirit up every morning...the last splash of colours from the leaves about to fall to the ground, lorikeets happily chirping on the branches of gum trees, grasses still frosted from the night before...all these make a beautiful start on my day.
I feel so blessed for having the privilege of looking at this visual feast at the start of my day. It sort of serve as a calm moment before i start the daily grind called work. When I knock off, it's dark outside despite the fact that it is only 5:30 p.m. Ahhh... a long sigh...another day gone, another dollar earned.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, great shots! I wish everyday would be like this one. It's just perfect.

Good to know your life is dotted with different kind of joys. :)


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